March Madness
March 2025
March Madness is an immersive five-day program designed to enhance various aspects of hockey skills. This program caters to players born between 2006 and 2019. The fee for each session of March Madness is $625 per player, before the standard Sports Engine processing fee. Goalies interested in participating should reach out to CGratchev@MaxProHockeyClub.com for inquiries.
- Day 1 (Monday): Concentrate on speed work, acceleration, and advanced skating techniques.
- Day 2 (Tuesday): Sharpen your shooting and passing abilities.
- Day 3 (Wednesday): Refine your stickhandling skills.
- Day 4 (Thursday): Explore strategies for scoring and defending effectively.
- Day 5 (Friday): Engage in dynamic 3-on-3, small-area, and situational gameplay.
March 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
12:00 PM-2:00 PM for 2013 and Older
2:00 PM-4:00 PM for 2014 and Younger
Fusco Arena at Dexter Southfield School
20 Newton Street
Brookline, MA 02445
Dexter Southfield School is not involved in the ownership or management of any MaxPro Hockey Club program.
- Program participants must register and pay for all programs via Sports Engine. Physical registrations and physical forms of payments are not accepted.
- We maintain waitlists for all MaxPro programs. Once a program reaches maximum capacity, you can complete the program registration to secure a spot for your player on the waitlist. Program openings will be filled in the order that waitlist registrations are received.
- Program registrations are non-refundable.